Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Use of Commas

Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Marks

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Use of Commas
This worksheet is for checking the knowledge of a student in using commas. Read the given sentences and note whether commas are placed correctly or not. Write 'True' if all commas are placed correctly. Write 'False' if any comma is placed at the wrong place and circle the wrongly placed comma.